
A service by
Your partner for subcontractors

How does subcontracting work? Subcontracting explained: You need additional qualified personnel to handle your orders, but you are not really familiar with subcontracting yet? We can help – in today’s blog post we bring light into the dark, and answer all questions concerning the process of subcontracting! Subauftrag mediates only the best – Subcontracting with […]

Collaboration with subcontractors often raises many questions. Although the outsourcing of certain areas to subcontractors has long since ceased to be a rarity, ambiguities regarding the legal framework of such a service relationship often arise. A particularly heavily debated topic is that of the defect and performance claims against subcontractors. If you also want to […]

Subunternehmen von Subauftrag FAQs

We, the company, have specialized in arranging subcontractors in the fields of industry, electrics, HVAC and sanitary / gas, water, heating and fitter / welder. We are proud to point to a broad, international network, many years of experience and numerous renowned…

With Reverse Charge – it concerns a special regulation in the sales tax law, according to which not the service provider, but the recipient of the service must pay the sales tax. If you have been wondering for a while what exactly this special regulation is about, then you should not miss this post. The […]


Our cooperation with our sub-partners is based on transparency, trust and quality. In order to ensure smooth operations and communication based on eye-level partnership, we do everything in our power to provide the best possible support for the subcontractors in our network.…

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News and information about the global operation and intermediation of subcontractors.

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